Class Index
The entire library is in this namespace.
Connection to a WebDAV server
Holds all the standard codecs for converting properties
A codec transcodes the xml to a custom Javascript object
Adds a codec that converts DAV: acl to an nl.sara.webdav.Acl object
Adds a codec that converts DAV: creationdate to a Date object
Adds a codec that converts DAV: current-user-privilege-set to an array of privileges
Adds a codec that converts DAV: getcontentlength to an integer
Adds a codec that converts DAV: getlastmodified to a Date object
Adds a codec that converts DAV: inherited-acl-set to an array with the uri's object
Adds a codec that converts DAV: owner to a Date object
Adds a codec that converts DAV: principal-collection-setCodec to an array with the uri's object
Adds a codec that converts DAV: resourcetype to a Date object
This class holds all IE hacks
WebDAV Multistatus response body